LEGO 4649858 Shadow ARF Trooper

When I heard about this figure I thought that it would be a pretty cool one to add to my collection. When I saw him he slightly reminded me of the DARKtrooper that LEGO put into their Stormtrooper battle pack a few years ago. When I heard what you had to do to get him I was dismayed. There was no way I was going to spend $75 on Star Wars LEGO. So when I had the opportunity to get him I jumped on it! I really think that this figure is worth the $24 I paid to get him. While overall he is just an ARF trooper but in black, he really has that “cool factor” that a LEGO figure needs. And the fact that this guy is a black ARF trooper is just such a good idea on LEGO’s part. The silver, blue, and white-ish color printing on the figure keeps him cool looking while keeping it within the looks of an ARF trooper. So, in all, I’m very happy with this figure, another great design by LEGO! He’s a minifigure. Minifigures, while they only have a certain amount of playability, this guy will work just fine as a display piece as well as a minifigure. This guy is designed very well. I’ve said it before, the color of the print on this guy is perfect, and the helmet, is amazing! I can’t really comment on the price that he cost. I paid about $20 and I think that’s pretty fair for this little guy. This set is ALL minifigure! The design of the ARF trooper, while not spot-on, is fairly close and looks good. The only new parts in this set are the helmet and the torso. Well that is if you count parts in new colors. I don’t but they do look good!

Posted on September 19, 2011, in LEGO Set Reviews. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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